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17 Things you should never do, wear, bring or forget when camping

Getting out into nature can be exciting. All the fun to be had, memories to be made, and places to explore. Camping, for many people, is a chance to get to do things they don't usually get. People will often make lists of things they will do while out camping. However, it is also really important to keep track of what you cannot do while out there.

Camping is a lot of fun, but it also comes with some responsibilities that we must keep ourselves aware of. Here we will discuss the "nots" of camping. What not to do, not to wear and other things you should avoid when camping. If you know what not to do, you can better plan what you can actually do.

Things you should never do when camping

1.Do not arrive at night.

Setting up camp is a lot of work. Do not make it more difficult on yourself by taking away your ability to see what is around you. On top of it being difficult, it can also be dangerous. Nighttime in the woods is when many predators become active, including poisonous snakes. Not seeing what is around you or under a nearby log can be a danger to you and your family.

2.Wandering the forest alone.

Usually, when people go camping, they do it for a sense of adventure. Adventuring out means picking somewhere you have not gone before. This provides a great chance to explore and create memories that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. It is very important to remember, though, that since you are camping at a place you do not know, you are putting yourself in a situation that can potentially be dangerous. While camping, keep to the buddy system. If you go for a hike, bring a buddy. Even if the trails are marked, there is always a chance of getting disorientated or that you can get injured and have a hard time figuring out your way back.

3.Leave Your Food Out.

Forgetting to put away or leaving food around your campsite can lead to some severe issues. The forests are full of scavengers that will risk facing humans if they can score a free and easy meal. This doesn't only mean small animals like raccoons and squirrels. Leaving food in your camp can bring bears, and nobody wants to wake up to a bear pawing at their tent door trying to reach the open twinkies you forgot to put away before you went to sleep.

4.Forget Warm Clothes.

Despite the time of year you decide to go camping, there is a good chance that the temperature will drop drastically once the sunsets. Sleeping bags are great and can provide some protection from the elements, but they are not the most effective when the temperature drops severally, and you are lying on cold hard ground. A key point to remember is layers, layers, layers. Packing warm clothes could very well be the thing that helps keep you alive during a sudden cold snap that strikes amidst an excellent camping trip.

5.Bring equipment you don't know how to use.

Do you know what a difficult thing to do? Trying to use some new gadget in your house. Do you know what is more complicated than that? Trying to use some new gadget while out in the wilderness with no internet connection to watch a tutorial and trying to get a whole camp set up before the sun goes down. Camping is a lot of fun, but it also can be a lot of work. Bringing equipment or gear you are not familiar with can cause problems and setbacks you do not want to have while camping. Be sure to use and test any new equipment thoroughly before taking it with you on your next camping trip.

What not to wear camping


The main issue with wearing denim is how the material handles moisture. It acts as a veritable sponge, absorbing water and sweat but taking forever to dry. This leads to denim clothing being damp longer which makes them heavier. It is better to avoid denim all together when camping.


Being out on an open trail is not ideal for being open-toed. Many obstructions can hurt a person's foot on the hiking trail, and wild animals like snakes can strike at you if you venture too close. It is always better to wear a leather boot covering the toes and high up the leg.

8.Expensive Clothing.

This should go without saying, but do not bring your newest or nicest clothes with you when deciding to go camping. Presumably, you will be hitting the trails, climbing some mountains, or hunting some game. These activities are notorious for getting a person's clothes dirty. Also, nicer dressier clothes aren't built as durable, so they may tear easier when you are trekking through the bush.

9.Clothes that are too tight or too loose.

When you are out camping, you want clothes that fit you well and allow for functional movement. Clothing that is too tight will e hard to maneuver in and make some activities harder to accomplish. Clothing that is too loose can get easily caught on branches, which will slow you down or become a safety hazard.

Things to not bring camping

10.Colognes and Perfumes.

When you are out in the woods, you probably don't want t be wearing cologne or perfumes. Really, anything scented, especially floral, will attract bugs to you. Often these things are stored in fragile containers, so if one breaks, you have a bigger problem now. It is best just to avoid scented materials for your camping trip.

11.Glass and ceramic items.

Glass and ceramic items may look pretty, but they are not the best to bring camping. There is an excellent chance they can break and are nearly impossible to clean up when out in the wild thoroughly. Be mindful of the world around you and the campers who will come next. Try to leave the site as-is and hazard-free.


Bringing children camping is a great way to bond and build memories with them that will last the rest of their lives. The point of the trip is to keep them engaged in the present and experience nature. Toys may be a great idea for the ride up, but they can easily get lost in the woods and create an unpleasant experience for both child and parent.


Camping is about roughing it, which means getting by with the bare minimum when you can help it. We highly suggest that if you have things like jewelry or a new electronic device, do not bring them camping. They can get lost or, on a slim chance, get stolen. It is better just to leave these things at home. They won't help you in the wild.

What you must never forget while camping.

14.A light source.

Being out under the stars and the moon is excellent. Sometimes that is all the light you need for the evening. However, there are times when you need an actual light to do things while camping. Be sure to pack flashlights, lanterns, and backup batteries for each in case they die. Going back to our first item on this article, nothing is more challenging than navigating a campsite in pitch black.

15.First-aid Kit.

Being out in nature means you are often far from professional medical aid. Having a well-stocked first-aid kit and knowing how to use it can help prevent a tragedy. Be sure always to have one packed and check it before leaving if anything expires and needs to be replaced.

16.Fire starting and stopping tools.

One of the most important things to have while camping is a good campfire. Knowing how to create a campfire (9 Easy Steps To Build A Safe Campfire) is one thing, but you have to make sure you have what you need to do that and put it out. A shovel, bucket of water, and a firestarter kit are all essential.

17.Toilet paper.

Make sure to pack plenty of toilet paper when you go camping. The idea of finding leaves up to the task and using them is something many people have a hard time grasping. Be prepared and be sure to put a few rolls in the car and maybe one in your pack.

Final Thoughts

There can be a lot of fun had while you are out camping with friends and loved ones. The best way to do that is to be prepared and knowledgeable. Some of the things we mentioned on this list may seem obvious to a few of you reading this bit others may have never thought of it before.

Go through this list. Make sure you have plenty of time to get to your campsite—double-check what you are packing to wear for the weekend and make sure you aren't bringing anything that will hinder the experience. Most of all, enjoy the great outdoors.

All the best,

Alex Anderson


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